PLEASE NOTE: The following information is general and doesn't fully detail all of the policies and guidelines of the camp. In addition to the following guidelines, the camper will be required to follow all the rules governing: the swimming pool and pool area, the campers conduct, the restricted area of the campground and the use of camp equipment/property.
Parents and/or responsible party of campers are not to leave the campground until the camper has been assigned to a cabin/dorm. Campers are not allowed to leave the campground once they have registered. The camp nurse/personnel wil inspect the head of each camper (absolutely no exceptions) before they are assigned to a cabin/dorm. Treatment will be administered if lice or nits are found. The parents or responsible party (the one who brought the camper to camp) will be required to wash all of the campers clothes and bedding at an off-camp site before the camper can place their belongings in their assigned cabin/dorm.
Snack Cards are $5.00 per card. NO refunds on unused amounts. Unused amounts can be redeemed for snack merchandise before leaving camp. Long distance calls are available by calling cards. Campers are not allowed to use the phone unless accompanied by their group leader, a dean, or the director. A staff member will be present during all phone calls. Parents who want to check on their child may call and speak to the Director. A camper will not be called out of any scheduled activity unless it is an emergency or unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director.
Cell phones,pagers,cd players,TVs, radios, cassette players, game boys, video games, etc. are not allowed. Such items will be confiscated by the staff and returned to the camper at the end of the camp week. CAMP LOST PINES is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Weapons, contraband, illegal items, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, pornography, objectionable materials and the use of profanity are strictly prohibited.
All medication, (whether prescription or over-the-counter) must be checked in at the nurse's station and be administered by the camp nurse.
In the event your child needs emergency medical care, the director or nurse will make every effort to reach the emergency contact person listed on this application and/or the parent/legal guardian.
Moderate apparel is required. Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be of reasonable length (no more than two inches above the knee. Any clothing that exposes the midriff, back or rib/chest area are not acceptable. Haltertops, low-cut neck lines, tank tops, sun dresses, spaghetti straps, sheer, see-through or fishnet material, or any clothing with suggestive or objectionable remarks or pictures are not allowed. Appropriate undergarments must be worn at all times.
** By checking the last box and filing out the online application; I( camper, parent/guardian) acknowledge that I have read the section, "Important Camp Information" and hereby agree to abide by all the policies, guidelines, directives, and discipline of the camp's administration and staff and the standard set forth by the Church of God of Prophecy/ Camp Lost Pines. I further understand that willful disobedience to the rules and/or insubordination to the authority of the administration and staff of the camp will not be tolerated and could result in the camper being dismissed from the camp . I hereby certify that all the information provided on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.